How To Make World Most Effective Timetable For Study

As we all know that, We have a limited time give from the god in the form of our Age {life span}.

In this limited time period We have many works, like We have our dreams to achieve it as well as persuade our social Responsibility. Study without a time table is like a train without a track, Because i seen many Students are depressed because they not get good result from their long time study. Most of the students ask me the same question like How to make time table, as well as how to make best time table for Study many of them also Request from me to make timetable for him. So Now today in this post i am going to tell you my most effective and applicable magical tricks and tips to make Best  Study Time Table . So Read this Article Very Carefully.
how to make time table for study

Making Time table for study And Follow this is as Hard as Solving a Difficult Question of Math for a Student who is fear from math Subject But after Knowing the techniques to make the Best time table for your study is very Simple for you To make it. 

What Is Time Table:

Before Knowing the techniques to make time table, First Of all We have to Understand the concept of Behind this. Time Table is Simple a part of Time Management, In other words Time Table Means an Structured and Sequenced way to Perform an activity. In the field of Education The word Time table means Distribution of time for every Work like Divide time for Playing Games, Study, etc. 

Basically Performing the activity in an Unorganized way do not More Productive. Without Making an Proper Priority List of work, Performing an work is not More Effective. When we divide our time For every work our time is managed and our time do not get Wasted. So in simples words we can say that Distribution of Proper time For a Particular Work with their Priority Is Know As Time Table. 

Importance Of Time Table:

Basically Time Table Play an Important Role in Every aspect Of Life. Today, I Observe That Every students is making many time table But End of the day he do not follow this. Making Time table is not more important Following this More important. By making an Proper Schedule of your Full day make your Full day More Productive and Effective. Basically In study making students are get confused in making an distribution of time for every subject due to which they got Depressed. Now Let’s Discuss the most amazing tips to make the Best Study Time Table.

5 Tips To Make World Most Effective Timetable For Study

These All Points I Suggesting You is Used by Many of My Juniors and Students From Which Most of them Get an Amazing Result from their Time Table. Now Let us Discuss this points,

1. Make Time Table According To Yourself

Main Problem:- I see that many of the Student make an long Study Schedule in Their Starting Days Due to Long Schedule their Mind don not Accept all information(knowledge) in a Single Time and that why they get Stressed And Worried about their Study. 

Solution:-Now the solution Is Make the time table according to your Comfort For example In Starting Time Try to make your Study time Small and Day by day Increase It as You Comfortable, and Always Remember That Making the Timetable is not Big Deal But to Follow it Consistently is a Big Deal

2. Every Subject Has Equal Weightage.

As We know that Mostly every subject Has Equal Marks in Board Exams, But Most of the Student i seen that they ignore some subject they only focus on so main Subjects likes Most of the student solve Mathematics all the time they don not give time to other subject Due to which they perform good in math but lose marks in other Subjects and finally their result is bad. So During Making the timetable always remember that every subject has equal weightage that why Make priority order for subjects with your interest and also according to exam paper.

3. Divide And Rule Formula

This Rule is very important for Freshers who are going for Long time study Because During Long time study you have to concentrate your mind on the particular work for long period of time. Now tell us Discuss This Formula “Divide and Rule“, Which simple means divide your work in simple form.
For Example:-For Making an house you need lot of Bricks, Similarly To get big goal, first Distribute this goal into small-small goals so that we easily achieve our main goal By complete the simple small small goals. So “In Starting Never Try to make long Timetable“.
     In Other Words:-
                 Big Goal = X*No. of Small Goals {X=Any Positive integer/number}
                 Big Plan = X*No. of Mini/Macro Plans {X=Any Positive integer/number}


Flexibility in an Schedule is Very Important to make the Schedule more productive and Result-oriented.
Let Us Understand this in Simple Words, For Example:- On first after Following the timetable You Study Physic for 1Hours but you think that your mind can able to study physic  more than 1hours, then increase your no of hours for physic Study. Simple You make your time table according to your Comfort, Make Your Schedule Changeable.
 !! Flexibility Makes Your Time table Adaptive and Effective !!

5. Strategy Oriented

Always Make sure that the timetable you are making must have an strategy Behind This, Because Without any Goal, Timetable is not worth it. For Example: if you are making timetable for Your Board exam then their is goal behind the timetable, that is completing this particular Syllabus in This no of days, or Revise this Chapters Before this Fix Date so that you get the Goal in fixed Time. 

I hope that after Implementing These points you can Make the Best Timetable For Study” for Yourself. If you like these Points and get good result after implementing this point then must Comment your Valuable feedback we Us.

!!Thankyou guys!!!

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